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The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is governed by the National Association of Secondary School Principals.  The NJHS is open to all seventh and eighth graders who have met five criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship.  The basic scholarship requirement is a cumulative average of 3.4. Academically eligible candidates will be evaluated on the basis of leadership, service, character, and citizenship.  They must have an O or S for conduct and they can have no suspensions from school (in-house or out of school suspensions).  Selection is made by a majority vote of a Faculty Council consisting of five faculty members.  Each year, the National Junior Honor Society completes one or more community service projects in which all the members of the society are involved.  This project could be oriented toward improving student leadership, educating them as citizens, working with, and learning about senior citizens, providing some learning about other cultures, or performing some school service.  In addition, individual members are expected to choose another area of involvement in line with their particular talents and interests.  This approach emphasizes the need for cooperative effort in service to the community while providing an opportunity for individuals to discover and develop their own unique contributions.

Whom to contact:

Peggy Cooper
Student Achievement Lead 
(215) 881-6427 ext. 4055


NJHS Applications - All Students 

The fall NJHS application window for 8th Graders ONLY  is from November  11 - 15, 2024. In order to apply, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.4.  Service hours must be complete by June 1, 2025.

Click Here for application.


To be eligible, You must meet the following criteria:

-GPA of 3.4 or higher

-10 hours of Community Service (by June 1, 2024).

-40 hours of extracurricular activities 

-Teacher testimony of your character (Google form -No letters needed)


Click here for Membership Criteria

NJHS Service Form

Current members do NOT need to reapply.