The Learning Commons at Cedarbrook!
Welcome to the Cedarbrook Learning Commons!
Want to Visit the Learning Commons? Click here for directions.
Homeroom/WIN Announcements 2024-25 Slides
Enrichment Activities for Early Finishers
Library Assistance on Virtual Days - If you need ANY assistance on virtual days, please email Ms. Cooper at mcooper@cheltenham.org.
NJHS Applications - All Students
The next NJHS application period for all students will be in February, 2025.
For more information, please click on the NJHS link on the left.
Academic Vocabulary Word of the Day
New to the Cedarbrook L.C. Audio and E-books through MackinVIA - Use your CSD accounts to log in.
Cheltenham Township Library Information - We have the BEST public libraries anywhere.
"A library should not shush ; it should roar !”
- Catherynne M. Valente
Welcome to the Learning Commons at Cedarbrook! The Learning Commons is the academic hub of our beautiful home–basically, where all the cool stuff happens. Not only will you find all of the best books here (physical and electronic), but also all kinds of cool resources and events. Keep checking this site through the year for updates!
Contact Us!
Peggy Cooper
Library/Media Teacher
215-881-6427 ext# 4055
Click here to suggest a book for the library.
About Our Staff
Mrs. Peggy Cooper, Library/Media Teacher, earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Georgia and a Master of Science in Elementary Education from the University of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Cooper holds PA instructional certifications in Library and Media, Elementary Education, Middle School English and Middle School Math. She began her career in the Cheltenham School District in 1992 teaching fifth and sixth grades. Mrs. Cooper has worked at Cedarbrook since 2011 - as Challenge Consultant, Lead Teacher for Student Achievement, and Librarian. She also acts as English Department Coordinator, advisor to the National Junior Honor Society, Project Lit, and Hip Hop Clubs, and co-facilitator of PBIS and the ROAR Youth Recognition Program.